Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Social Networks - The advanced devices for our generations or it is just a way back to the ancient time.

While we are fulfilled with load of transitions in this century. Most people may not be able to handle the changes, but some knows what's going on in actuality.

Load of people had owned MySpace, which was an intelligent product of Microsoft Copr. back in past a decade. But during there were many new innovations that derived and they kept improving to the next level to suit the needs of the users.

An unknown Social Network App, however, was come up out of the blues. It known as, the new generation of the Social Network that were getting more and more users ever since 2004 until now, which has reached 955 millions of users (As at August, 2012).

As the Social Networks have taken over the old versions of media in term of advertisement business. That is why our Giant IT business like Google Inc. has entered to this business with its new product, google+. And many new Social Networks have built with a bunch of different characteristics.

But what would be the indirect impacts towards the users of our generation, as well as the next generation. Well, there will be the changes among the users' perspective in the sense of consumption behaviours or even in the education systems or learning skills of the Social Networks' users.

Under consumption behaviours, they will consume anything that is accepted by many users based on the number of "Like's" through the "Page's" of facebook Inc.'s sponsors. In the other word, the customers or clients of facebook Inc.

Yes!! What's on your mind is what I am going to say. When many users of different Social Networks got the new mindset of following the majority of the society, just like what we have seen from the "mass democrasy". While they will not utilize their own ideas effectively with the full capacity. The users of the Social Networks, as a result, they will only know how to "copy & paste" just like "like & share".

And there is no need to say what would happen towards the new education systems. As well as, the new mindset of the mojority of the Social Networks' Users. I hope that, in personally, there will be the revolution of today's Social Networks that would result in the positive aspects in term of "Education".

Sorfar W.

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