Tuesday, 14 August 2012

My Job Interview

Yesterday, I woke up at 10 in the morning and first thing I did is to to keep myself calm and chillax abit before an afternoon job interview by the Chartis Insurance, a sub-company of the American International Group, known as AIG. Well, while I was chillaxing and preparing for the interview scripts, it was like I talked to myself as a craze, and that is just what every fresh graduate does before an unexpected interview.

Bangkok View of its Downtown  
Furthermore, a funny thing is that most of the scripts I was practicing, weren't come in my interview as I first expected. But mostly, I was asked about the points of views and things, in particularly, business analysis. This is where the story begins, however, as I was asked about the trend in term of the travel insurance towards the local travelers (outbound) and local businessmen. In what would happen with this particular target market in the next five-year.

After the question was asked, my brain was effectively worked as I had to figure things out in order to come up with the best answer just in a few seconds. At the same time, I was looking out of the window to see those buildings located in the downtown of Bangkok, this is to see the possibility of Thailand economic growth for the coming years.

I realized many things, in other word,  as I have got an idea and was able to confidentially explained my views. The main point of my views was that I could see that growth in this specific industry. This is mainly because Thailand would be a purely emerging market in the next two years as there will be the AEC, or ASEAN Economic Community. As a consequence, the growth of the economy would encourage the local businesses, says, Hotels Industry, Food & Baverage, as well as the Banking Industry etc.

Before an Interview
Nonetheless, these certain businesses would definitely need to expand the markets from domestically to globally, and they will probably need to concern the business risks including inherent risks and market risks. Thus, as the Insurance Company, we need to take into account the expansion of the local business sectors in order to get our financial services introduced to the Thai firms.

The Chartis Insurance, in other word, needs to build up the relationship with the specific industries from the beginning. Which would result to the good long term relationship for both Chartis and those potential local firms. This is one of the points in this question.

On the other hand, as the Thai's economy tremendously expands in terms of growth in GDP and risen in an income levels of Thai people. Therefore, the increased of the income and growth in GDP would automatically led to the greater spending.

In other word, one of the expenses for those would be tourism. Especially, for the outbound tourism market, as people would start to go somewhere new and overseas. As it is now happening in China according to the increasing of middle class income that estimates to be over 200 million people.

However, to take advantage of the change in this spending behaviour of the Thai's, it is essential to plan how are we, as an Insurance Firm, would introduce our products and services to this target group. We may chanel our financial products and services, however, through the outbound travel agencies in Thailand or even the local potential airlines companies, which not yet operated in the international routes.

Eventually, according to my views of this certain business, as we are dealing in the Travel Insurance, we need to take into account, the potential local firms with the possibility to enter the international market, as well as the spending behaviour that may changed due to the increased in income levels. If we realized the changes, personally, I think we would be able to dominate the market shares of this particular business.

This was just a short part of my interview, whereas there are still many more parts. Although this won't be that easy to get through, I do hope that my views that popped up just in seconds would contribute my scores in the evaluation form of mine.

But anyway, if I cannot get through this, I believe that there will always be the better chance for my career life. To those job seekers, do not be afraid to try harder and harder. Even though you have gotten a job and do not like it, you can make the job likes you.

W. Sorf

1 comment:

  1. Wish you for the best and wise man like you already have plans for the worst.

    PS. I'm with you.
