What have we learnt from the history? How much understanding we have regarding the Typical War and the Complexity of the World War? And what would happen next to the world without peace? Although it is hard to answer all the above questions in the direct kind of ways, there is still the way to help us at least get rid of our doubtfulness of this complicated world.
However, let us flashback to the very first war ever recorded in mankind history. Back then, the war was arrived because of the conflicts of differences, says, between tribes, religious, belief etc. In those days, there was no such a complicated war like today as the conflicts was based between some certain groups. In other word, when the war leads to the world's major impacts as a whole, that is when the world facing a disaster of the World War.
Let's look into the World War I, which was the massive disaster with huge number of lives that lost from many battles that happened during a four-year period of the war. Follow by the World War II, or the biggest disaster in terms of the loss in financial and death that was extremely high. As we can see, our globe never feel peace and we never feel the true peace in this world since the wars never ever stopped.
However, according to the number of casualties of Old Model of World War of over 120 millions of people. This included the death toll of the World War I that was over 50 millions and the World War II was 70 millions which was the highest figure of casualty ever happened.
The new model of World War has begun after the World War II or late 19th century. The latest model that comes with the concept of minimize damages, while let the world see it as the common conflicts within the country between civilians and government, says, protesting for a call of a new regime or new political system like democracy. Anyway, do you really think that democracy is the best solution of making peaceful world? I don't so and I would say "NO". This is because democracy comes with the differences that would divide the people into many differ groups, that would result to conflicts. However, I am not saying that democracy is a stupid way of rolling a country, but this system is not a good solution anyway.
Well, let's get back to our topic, before we can understand the new model of World War, we need to know how the concepts of the War has been charged. It first was started from changing the perspective from World War to Regional, and from Regional to Domestic level. Under the domestic level, everyone simply thinks that it is just the fight for the new regime or new political system as the number of people who killed during the battles is not as much as those during the World War I or II. Indeed, what we have seen from "Arab Spring" is not just the conflicts that arose within the particular country, but it might be the Conflicts of Interests that have the negative impacts towards the Global as a whole. And don't forget that the fastest way to increase the degree of wealth is to have and hold something which is priceless. And the resources are immeasurable in terms of quantity and value. It may be worthwhile as much as the overall assets of the world, we never know.
While many people are struggling in the new aspect of (World) War with the faith in fighting for the freedom. At the same time, a certain group of people is planning to control the World by maximize their power and wealthy in term of resources. But the worst thing is that everyone doesn't even care and pay attention to what's happening. And all of these could cause a change towards the world we used to live.
W. Sorfar
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